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标题:定向投资, 1个空号1港币,打包10000个Targeted investment, 1 vacant number, 1 HKD, 10000 packages

赵新梅 发表于:2022-11-23 16:22:12

Targeted investment, 1 vacant number, 1 HKD, 10000 packages


Choose an empty number without personal biography, one empty number is one Hong Kong dollar, and the package is 10000 Hong Kong dollars. Annualized income is 100%.


One person and one number in the world genealogy. The number can be inherited, transferred and auctioned with authorization.


The return on investment of the auction authorization is 100% per annum. The maximum auction price of the first month of holding authorization is+8% of the principal, and the second month is+16% of the principal...... The twelfth month is the principal+100%. One to three years, the principal+100%.

赵新梅 发表于:2023-03-14 09:40:34
PayPal是倍受全球亿万用户追捧的国际贸易支付工具,即时支付,即时到账,全中文操作界面,能通过中国的本地银行轻松提现,解决外贸收款难题,助您成功开展海外业务,决胜全球。注册PayPal后就可立即开始接受信用卡付款。作为在线付款服务商,PayPal是您向全世界近3.25亿的用户敞开大门的最快捷的方式。 [6-7]  最大的好处是,注册完全免费。集国际流行的信用卡、借记卡、电子支票等支付方式于一身。帮助买卖双方解决各种交易过程中的支付难题。PayPal是名副其实的全球化支付平台, [8]  服务范围超过200个市场, [8]  支持的币种超过100个。 [8]  在跨国交易中, [8]  将近70%的在线跨境买家更喜欢用PayPal支付海外购物款项。 [8] 
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