以文本方式查看主题 - BGW 世界大族谱协会论坛 (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 美洲区授权拍卖专场 (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=374) ---- 10101-99 耶稣是《圣经》中所预言的救世主,又称基督(希伯来语为弥赛亚),是神的儿子,常被称为“拿撒勒人耶稣” (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=374&id=25784) |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2022-02-12 08:09:31 -- 10101-99 耶稣是《圣经》中所预言的救世主,又称基督(希伯来语为弥赛亚),是神的儿子,常被称为“拿撒勒人耶稣” 10101-99 耶稣是《圣经》中所预言的救世主,又称基督(希伯来语为弥赛亚),是神的儿子,常被称为“拿撒勒人耶稣” 10101-99 Jesus is the savior predicted in the Bible, also known as Christ (the Messiah in Hebrew), the Son of God, often called "Jesus of Nazareth" 世界大族谱1人1号,号码持有授权可继承,转让,拍卖。 One person and one number in the world genealogy. The number can be inherited, transferred and auctioned with authorization. 拍买授权,投资收益率为年化100%,持有授权第一个月拍卖价最高为本金+8%,第二个月为本金+16%。。。。。。第十二个月为本金+100%。1年-3年,保持本金+100%。 The return on investment of the auction authorization is 100% per annum. The maximum auction price of the first month of holding authorization is+8% of the principal, and the second month is+16% of the principal...... The twelfth month is the principal+100%. One to three years, the principal+100%. 举例 give an example 10101-99 耶稣是《圣经》中所预言的救世主,又称基督(希伯来语为弥赛亚),是神的儿子,常被称为“拿撒勒人耶稣” 10101-99 Jesus is the savior predicted in the Bible, also known as Christ (the Messiah in Hebrew), the Son of God, often called "Jesus of Nazareth" 10101-99 号码授权起拍价1000美元,买到授权后,第一个月的起拍价为1080,如果第一个月没卖出,第2个月起拍价为1160元。 The authorized starting price for No. 10101-99 is 1000 dollars. After the authorization is purchased, the starting price for the first month is 1080 dollars. If the authorization is not sold in the first month, the starting price for the second month is 1160 dollars. 拍买号码授权,可以众筹,按出资次序收款,每月25日12时,达到拍卖价或超过拍卖价后进行授权转让。若没有达到转入下月。 The auction number can be authorized by crowdfunding and collected in the order of contribution. At 12:00 on the 25th of each month, the authorization transfer will be carried out when the auction price is reached or exceeded. If not, it will be transferred to the next month. 回复本帖购买授权。 Reply to the purchase authorization of this post. 收款账户:paypal 100280086@qq.com 美元 付款网址:www.paypal.me/100280086 Collection account: paypal 100280086@qq.com USD payment website: www.paypal.me/100280086 汇款1美元及以上,加入其粉丝团。 Remit US $1 or more to join the fan group. |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2023-03-14 09:40:06 -- PayPal是倍受全球亿万用户追捧的国际贸易支付工具,即时支付,即时到账,全中文操作界面,能通过中国的本地银行轻松提现,解决外贸收款难题,助您成功开展海外业务,决胜全球。注册PayPal后就可立即开始接受信用卡付款。作为在线付款服务商,PayPal是您向全世界近3.25亿的用户敞开大门的最快捷的方式。 [6-7] 最大的好处是,注册完全免费。集国际流行的信用卡、借记卡、电子支票等支付方式于一身。帮助买卖双方解决各种交易过程中的支付难题。PayPal是名副其实的全球化支付平台, [8] 服务范围超过200个市场, [8] 支持的币种超过100个。 [8] 在跨国交易中, [8] 将近70%的在线跨境买家更喜欢用PayPal支付海外购物款项。 [8] |