以文本方式查看主题 - BGW 世界大族谱协会论坛 (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 最新活动Latest activities (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=341) ---- 全球最高历史奖—世界大族谱历史奖World Highest History Award Big Genealogy World History Award (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=341&id=7186) |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2014-08-05 19:22:12 -- 全球最高历史奖—世界大族谱历史奖World Highest History Award Big Genealogy World History Award 世界大族谱,可以将世界上的所有人,按照代代相传的次序,全部写入历史。 编修世界大族谱,是人类宏大的文化工程,需要大量的人来参与。 为了表彰做出杰出贡献的团体和个人,设立如下奖项:
每年一次奖项。报名或被提名的,满1000人,启动该奖 世界大族谱一等奖 1名 现金10000港币 10个序号为99,个人世界唯一的号码 世界大族谱二等奖 2名 现金5000港币 10个序号为999,个人世界唯一的号码 世界大族谱三等奖 10名 现金1000港币 10个序号为9999,个人世界唯一的号码 每四年一次奖项。报名或被提名的,满10000人,启动该奖。 世界大族谱特等奖 1名 现金10万港币 500个序号为5,个人世界唯一的号码 。 评奖程序:每年5月15日至次年3月14日为提名时间。3月15日至5月14日为评奖时间。授奖时间在公布获奖名单后一个月内。 参评人员:在编修家谱方面,表现突出的团体和个人. 参评作品:正式出版物和非出版的电子档案。 提名方式:他人推荐和自荐 香港世界大族谱文化传播有限公司承办 英文名称:Big Genealogy World (BGW) 中文名称:世界大族谱 汉语拼音:shi jie da zu pu 电子邮件:100280086@qq.com QQ:100280086 世界大族谱授权拍卖QQ群:43329120 网址:cuishaoke.com 999.cuishaoke.com/bbs 666.cuishaoke.com/bbs |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2014-08-16 14:32:54 -- 世界大族谱历史奖 非出版的电子档案,作品制作步骤。 |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2022-12-22 12:50:18 -- World Highest History Award Big Genealogy World History Award World Highest History Award Big Genealogy World History Award The Big Genealogy World can write all the people in the world into history in the order of passing down from generation to generation. Compiling the Big Genealogy World is a great cultural project of mankind, which requires a large number of people to participate. In order to recognize groups and individuals who have made outstanding contributions, the following awards are set up: Award once a year.if 1000 people are registered or nominated, the award will be launched The first prize of the Big Genealogy World: 1 person, 10000 Hong Kong dollars, 10 serial numbers: 99, the only number in the personal world The second prize of the Big Genealogy World, 2 persons, cash 5000 Hong Kong dollars, 10 serial numbers 999, the only number in the personal world The third prize of the Big Genealogy World, 10 winners, cash 1000 Hong Kong dollars, 10 serial numbers 9999, the only number in the personal world Once every four years, if the number of applicants or nominees reaches 10000, the award will be launched. One winner of the Big Genealogy World Grand Prize: 100000 Hong Kong dollars, 500 serial numbers: 5, the only number in the personal world. Award evaluation procedure: the nomination time is from May 15 to March 14 of the next year. The awarding period is from March 15 to May 14. The awarding time shall be within one month after the announcement of the list of winners. Participants: groups and individuals with outstanding performance in compiling genealogy Evaluated works: official publications and unpublished electronic archives. Nomination method: recommendation by others and self recommendation Undertaken by Hong Kong WORLD NATIONAL&GENEALOGY CULTURE COMMUNICATION CO., LIMITED English name: Big Genealogy World (BGW) Chinese name: 世界大族谱 Chinese Pinyin: shi jie da zu pu E-mail: 100280086@qq.com Website: 999.cuishaoke.com/bbs 666.cuishaoke.com/bbs
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2022-12-23 05:39:48 -- Unpublished electronic archives of Big Genealogy World History Award, and steps for making works. Unpublished electronic archives of the Big Genealogy World History Award, and steps for making works. |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2023-02-02 15:03:13 -- 300多家媒体转发 http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&Id=25800