以文本方式查看主题 - BGW 世界大族谱协会论坛 (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/index.asp) -- 最新活动Latest activities (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/list.asp?boardid=341) ---- 世界大族谱项目论证会(English) (http://999.cuishaoke.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=341&id=25830) |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2023-01-20 09:40:56 -- 世界大族谱项目论证会(English) 国史、方志、家谱是中国历史的三大支柱。家谱有三千多年的历史。 家庭档案记录人生难忘生活,新式电子家谱更先进、更系统、更完美! 新式电子家谱1人1号,世界唯一,可继承、转让和拍卖。 号码组成为:年月日加序号。比如1998年12月1日出生的人,序号为56777。号码为19981201-56777 |
-- 作者:赵新梅 -- 发布时间:2023-01-20 09:42:32 -- National history, local chronicles and genealogy are the three pillars of Chinese history. The family tree has a history of more than 3000 years. Family archives record unforgettable life. The new electronic genealogy is more advanced, systematic and perfect! The new electronic genealogy, one person and one number, is the only one in the world and can be inherited, transferred and auctioned. The number consists of: MM/DD/YY plus serial number. For example, the serial number of the person born on December 1, 1998 is 56777. No.: 19981201-56777